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Accepted in Bangkit Academy

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I am happy to announce that I have been accepted into the Bangkit Academy program. The program is a collaboration between Google, Gojek, Tokopedia, and Traveloka. Bangkit Academy is a program that aims to equip students with in-demand skills and tech certifications. The program offers 3 interdisciplinary learning paths - machine learning, mobile development, and cloud computing. By the end of this program, I will be equipped with the tech expertise, soft skills, and English proficiency I need to transit from academia to the workplace and succeed at leading companies.

Mobile development path

I have chosen the mobile development path for my learning journey. In this path, I will learn how to build mobile applications using Kotlin. As of now (27/02/2024), I have completed the fourth module of the course and have finally developed my first Android application; a simple calculator app. While it’s a beginning, it marks a significant milestone for me.


As a web developer that already familiar with TypeScript, I found Kotlin is a bit similar to TypeScript especially the type declaration and the syntax.

val a: Int = 1

let a: number = 1;

Although there are differences 😅, I am enjoying learning Kotlin. I’ve discovered numerous built-in functions that aid me in various tasks. In just three weeks, I have grown fond of this language. I am hopeful that I will create numerous Android applications in the future. Additionally, I plan to explore Kotlin beyond mobile development.

The great new is, I can use Functional Programming that i love like in JS Ecosystem but better. I also love the extension function feature in Kotlin, it’s like a superpower for me.

fun String.removeFirstLastChar(): String = this.substring(1, this.length - 1)
val result = "Hello".removeFirstLastChar()
// result: ell

😳 Isn’t that exciting? In TypeScript, achieving the same functionality would require much more effort and code.

Kotlin’s concise syntax and powerful features, such as extension functions, allow developers to write cleaner and more expressive code, enhancing productivity and making programming tasks more enjoyable.